
I have never considered myself to be a writer.  Since I can remember, verbal communication has been my greatest strength and writing has been my greatest weakness (except for math but we won’t even go there!).  There are times I’m afraid to hit “send” on an email for fear of incorrect grammar and punctuation.  In High School, I received many C’s on research papers.

Writing just hasn’t been my thing.  I sometimes dread it.

Have I suddenly tapped into the unseen mysteries of God?  Not even close.  The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.  Do I consider myself to be a genius and feel the need to bless the world with my wealth of knowledge? Heck no.  When it comes to most any subject, I don’t consider myself to be an expert or leading authority.  My knowledge of most things is a mile wide and an inch deep.  A lot of things pique my interest, really.  Most blogs I am drawn to are by someone who has authored many books, or is some sort of expert in their area.

Truth? I’m just an average gal who is madly in love with God and God’s people.

Lately, God has been doing some new things in my heart and I don’t think there is any way of keeping it inside of me.  I can’t quite explain it, but God has placed a burning desire within me to start writing.  I ignored it, set it aside, and argued.  “Lord, why me? Why now? Writing just isn’t my thing.  Can you put this calling on someone who is talented at writing?”  I’m overcommitted and slightly stressed these days.  I have 2 precious little ones who want Mommy around the clock, I am a full-time seminary student, and I serve on the Teaching Team and Student Ministry Team at Good Shepherd Church.  When would I ever find time for this?

Nonetheless, here I am behind my laptop pecking away.

Why blog?  I hope to start conversation.  There is so much going on in our world that God’s people refuse to look at.  We choose to have selective hearing and selective sight.  But I also think this blog will help me dig deep and learn how to communicate through writing.  I want to be pushed and get better at this.

Who is this blog for? Everyone.  However, my target is the average pew sitter.  I doubt I will write anything so earth shattering and groundbreaking that the academic community will rise up and call me blessed.  That’s not my goal.  I want to start conversation with people about what it means to live the Kingdom life.  I also hope to bring to light different injustices in our world and engage others to do something about it.  Finally, I want to have fun so let’s do it together.

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